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Das MALUMA-Konzert am 29.03.2022 in der Festhalle Frankfurt findet wie geplant statt!

Einlass nur mit 2G+ - Geimpft, genesen und zusätzlich getestet (Antigentest nicht älter als 24h, PCR nicht älter als 48h - wer geboostert ist, benötigt keinen Test!)

Auf allen Wegen in der Halle, am Platz und beim Anstehen auf den Zuwegen gilt eine Maskenpflicht, empfohlen wird FFP2.

Nur Verzehr von Speisen und Getränken darf die Maske abgenommen werden.



Bitte hier bestätigen

01.09.2024, Köln
Germany 2024



Location: Carlswerk Victoria   
Schanzenstraße 6-20, 51063 Köln
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Ticket Preise: 42,00 € zzgl. Gebühren

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Bleachers/Jack Antonoff

Described as “anthemic, life affirming pop rock” by the New York Times, Bleachers are fronted by globally celebrated, eleven-time Grammy Award-winning singer, songwriter, musician, and producer, Jack Antonoff. Both with Bleachers and as a songwriter and producer, Antonoff, who, in 2021, was credited by the BBC for having “redefined pop music”, has collaborated with the likes of Taylor Swift, Lana Del Rey, The 1975, Diana Ross, Lorde, St. Vincent, Florence + The Machine, Kevin Abstract and many more. In February 2024, Antonoff won Producer of the Year at the Grammy Awards for an incredible third consecutive year, becoming only the second producer in history to win three years running.

Releasing their debut album ‘Strange Desire’ in 2014, Bleachers have built a huge, passionate following across three studio albums, becoming renowned for their impressive live show and infectious camaraderie. The band’s last album, ‘Take the Sadness Out of Saturday Night’ took them to new heights, showcasing Antonoff’s immersive songwriting and, as Variety testified, his innate skill at “supersizing personal stories into larger-than-life pop anthems”.

‘Bleachers’, the band’s fourth studio album, is released Friday 8th March via Dirty Hit and features singles ‘Modern Girl’, ‘Alma Mater’, ‘Tiny Moves’ and ‘Me Before You’. There’s a rich depth to the band’s sound on ‘Bleachers’: it is laid out in bright, soulful technicolour. The album is frontman Antonoff’s distinctly New Jersey take on the bizarre sensory contradictions of modern life, on his position in culture, and on the things he cares about. Sonically, it’s sad, it’s joyful, it’s music for driving on the highway to, for crying to and for dancing to at weddings. There’s something reassuringly touchable and concrete about its sentiment: exist in crazy times but remember what counts.




Ticketbestellung für Menschen mit Behinderung

Inhaber eines Behinderten-Ausweises, in dem die Erfordernis einer Begleitung eingetragen ist, erhalten die Begleiterkarte für unsere Veranstaltungen...
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Kinder- und Jugendschutz bei unseren Veranstaltungen

Wir freuen uns, dass auch Jugendliche unsere Veranstaltung besuchen und stellen uns daher - wie es vom Gesetzgeber gefordert wird...
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Support: The Pretty Reckless

17.05.2024 - Gelsenkirchen


Support: The Pretty Reckless

21.05.2024 - Gelsenkirchen



Support: NIMO

23.05.2024 - Köln

Psymon Spine

23.05.2024 - Köln

Faye Webster

Support: Benét

28.05.2024 - Köln


League Of Distortion

29.05.2024 - Köln

Friday Pilots Club

Support: PleasureInc

30.05.2024 - Köln

Julie Byrne

02.06.2024 - Köln